Reiki can be performed as hands-on healing or as distant healing.During a hands-on healing the client lays with their clothing on a massage table, comfortable with pillows and blankets in a quiet environment. The practitioner first has a talk with the customer to find out their needs, symptoms or anything important for the treatment and explains the various hand position. During the treatment, the practitioner lays her hand on various position of the clients body (head, stomach, legs, back) for various minutes while the client can remain relaxing on the table. There is also the possibility for clients unable to lay or lay on their stomach to perform the treatment in a sitting position. A whole treatment lasts between 45 and 90 minutes, depending what the body needs. The client may experience warmth coming from the partitioner's hands or some tingling. Distant healing is a great way to perform on people who are unable to come to the office or to animals. The practitioner can send Reiki with the help of using the Reiki 2 symbols - also with the treatment the recipient can expect to feel warmth or tingling. |